For many years, Angie has channelled information relevant to her
spiritual growth, her healing, her rising in consciousness. The
messages came in quite random ways, and often with just a single word,
which she then had to research to try to find out what the guidance
was. Her spiritual guides knew she was not good listener, but that she
loved the internet and loved researching, so this is the format they
used! There was much important information and enlightenment which came
from this.
One of these was the name
AyitiyA. It was not something she could research. But the guidance
came! It was shown to be her spiritual name, who she truly is. The
meaning was given as "from Source, back to Source". Deeply profound.
she was then guided to start finding crystals and ensuring they went
where they were intended to go, she was also guided to name the business
with her spiritual name.
The reason was given that the name carries it's own very important frequency and vibration, and adds to the energy of the crystals.