This unusual find has Lemurian lines, and yet, holds a slightly different energy.
This information is an excerpt from an article written by Katrina Raphaell, autho)r of Crystal Enlightenment, Healing with Crystals and The Crystalline Transmissions, in February 2000.
"Through the insight of others in the group we came to understand that these beings existed on the earth plane before the time of Lemuria and were part of the natural seeding of star systems. It was during the last days of Lemuria that these crystals were planted within the earth with their specialized purpose.
Having received this information I immediately thought of the Record Keeper Crystals (see Crystal Enlightenment, Vol. I,) The ancient Atlantians had programmed the Record Keepers before the fall of that great civilization in order to record and safeguard their knowledge. But The Lemurian Seed Crystals were different somehow. We came to understand that these "seed" crystals were not programmed with specific information as were the Record Keepers but were rather placed in the rich earth where crystalline growth was expected to form in the coming millennia.
These crystals were programmed to transmit frequencies to other crystals that were being created throughout time. A big part of what they relay is the sense of oneness, of unity, of every individual part being equal and no better than any other part and the necessity for love in order to evolve.
It is believed that the race of Lemurians, having seeded our world, left the earth plane for other star systems when life on the surface of the planet could no longer be sustained. However, many of the Lemurians also went into inner earth and it is from within that domain that they still care for the earth and are responsible for these crystals surfacing now. Maintaining a clear conscious telepathy with the ones who travelled on to other star systems, this highly evolved breed of beings preserves their own unity.
In this way the recently surfaced Lemurian Seed Crystals assists in creating a holographic connection between inner earth, the surface of the earth, as well as with the stellar regions. This holographic connection also links the Lemurian Seed Crystals with other crystals in and on the surface of the earth, integrates the crystals with the human magnetic field, the human magnetic field with the earth, and the earth with the outer multidimensional universe. One of the main purposes of these seed crystals is to create complete holographic unity. It only requires one Lemurian Seed Crystal to holographically connect to all of seed crystals. This energetic connection forms an energy grid around the earth which links us to inner and outer worlds.
The horizontal striations actually appear to be lasered into these crystals. It is as if they carry the knowledge of how to maintain unity while being individualized and living on the physical plane. How do we stay consciously connected when we become linear and worldly? How do we care for every other living thing as much as we care for ourselves? How can we care for our environment as if it were our own body? The Lemurian Seed crystals stimulate the limbic part of the brain which is our most instinctual animalistic part and stimulates the cerebral spinal fluid with a higher frequency. In doing so it is as if a holographic transmission is received which will help us to evolve our consciousness to include the linear and mundane equally with the divine and the cosmic.
Working with Lemurian Seed Crystals
To work with the Lemurian Seed Crystals meditate with them by putting the horizontal striations to the 3rd eye, or by using the index finger of the left hand to feel the striations. They are also extremely powerful in grids. Following our meditation session with the Lemurian Seed Crystals we created a grid for the earth using the information that we received. We were guided to place four seed crystals in a cross formation. This four pointed cross can be done around a grid, around a crystal healing recipient, or around a defined space to set up the holographic connection. With the grid we made four seed crystals were set with pieces of green selenite on them to project spiritual healing into the globe of the earth. Hematite encircled the planet for protection and to assist in the grounding of energies. A blue obsidian pyramid was placed on top of the globe with four blue obsidian balls in between the seed crystals to bring in peace and hope. When we all stood holding hands around the grid to activate it the energy was so strong that we all had to breathe deeply. We sent the unity and love into every prison, hospital, war zone, orphanage, military establishment, school, home and heart of everyone on the planet. The presence of the guardian beings was present and very strong. Again, I felt a sense of urgency and felt how important it was to keep my own holographic connection and pray on that all-inclusive level. We left the grid set up for over a week and everyone that saw it felt its energy.
Creating a Circle of Protection
Another piece of information that we received is that if you hold a Lemurian Seed Quartz in your right hand while you walk around and encircle something (a person, an object, your house, etc) that it will create a circle of light protection. These crystals will be attracted to people who will actively assist in bringing through the anchoring energies that will aid the planet in these times. They have not yet been fully activated but are helping to set a strong foundation for the original blueprint of love flourishing throughout creation. As more and more of us grow in awareness of the primal unity of all things and open our hearts more and more transmission will come from the Lemurian Seed Crystals. Stay tuned."
Weight: 157g | Length: 115mm | Width at base: 45mm